Conférence : Nouveaux populismes et chemins divers des euroscepticismes

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November 30 2017 

Location : Centre Pompidou, Paris, France

Organizers: Monique Canto-Sperber (ENS/CNRS) & Fondation Evens,  et Anna C. Zielinska (Univ. de Lorraine).

The rise of various forms of populism seems to be a blatant reality, both in Europe and in the Western world in general. This is certainly not the first wave in the international history, yet the impression of its originality is widespread. A technical novelty of the situation raises no doubts: all movements have a strong Internet presence, and they use the web to broadcast their positions. The political situation is also unusual, given the reassuring framework of the European Union. Yet this framework is increasingly designed as being the source of many problems, which tend to erase the very reasons why it was established.

The conference will unite a number of expert of European issues, political philosophy and political history of the continent.

We would like to raise several questions, including, but not limited to, what follows:

  1. Distrust toward elites (political, intellectual, scientific)
  2. Increasing similarity between the arguments used by the far right and the far left politicians
  3. The People and its enemies – are immigrants part of the people?
  4. Sovereignty – against whom and why?
  5. Identity – cultural, national, religious or universalist?
  6. Anti-System discourses and ideologies (both in politics and in science, with “alter-science”)
  7. Disqualification of public debate and of the notion of truth


14 h – Introductory remarks: Monique Canto-Sperber

14h10 – 15h40

Panel 1 : Les populismes, entre l’économie et la politique

  • Cédric Durand (Université Paris 13)
  • Fabrice Flipo (Télécom-EM/Paris 7 Diderot), Populismes : une convergence des extrêmes ?
  • John Pitseys (Centre de recherche et d’information sociopolitiques / CRISP), Le spectre des années 30 : les populismes contemporains sont-ils la conséquence de la crise économique ?

16h00 – 17h25

Panel 2 : La démocratie et le populisme

  • Marc-Antoine Dilhac (Université de Montréal), La démocratie face au danger du populisme et de l’épistocratie
  • Anderson Borges (Freie Universität Berlin), Populism and the Two Deficits in Democracy
  • Speranta Dumitru (Université Paris Descartes), Enfermés dans l’État-providence: le populisme est-il intrinsèque à l’État-nation?

17h30 – 18h30 – Wolfgang Merkel, Right wing populisms and its impact on democracy

18h30 – 19h00 – Debate 

19h00 – 20h00 – Film by Els Dietvorst (Evens Arts Prize 2017)



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